And I bid you fine farewell.


       Rest in Peace ❤ 

There are certain shoes that are worth the investment, in my book, and no my feet are too fat for Ferragamo’s and I am too clumsy to ever attempt to walk in a pair of Manolo Blahnik’s, so we won’t even discuss the Jimmy Choo’s. A good pair of Birks is more my speed, and this week it was time to bid one of my favorite pairs a fine farewell. Well, they are sitting the closet, I am just not ready yet.

These shoes have been with me for at least 18 years. That is something only Grandmothers do right? Who keeps a pair of shoes that long?  They have seen good days and bad days, walked at least a million miles. They have been from one side of the country to the other and back again. They, of course, have seen quite a few dead shows and danced with me at many other musical events. My Birks were a staple in my wardrobe for many years. Don’t think that I am giving them up easy. ReSole has

They have seen good days and bad days, walked at least a million miles. They have been from one side of the country to the other and back again. They, of course, have seen quite a few dead shows and danced with me at many other musical events. My Birks are/were a staple in my wardrobe for many years. Don’t think that I am giving them up easy.

ReSole has recorked them at least twice, best investment ever! So why won’t I plop down the money to do it again?  I don’t know, that is why they are in the closet. They smell horrible, they look so sad, like little-discarded kittens in a hurricane.  Birkenstocks are shoes that are worth their weight in gold, no other shoe can come close to the life span and comfort they bring.

I do have a dress pair, and a beach pair, and a garden pair, but those were my everyday pair. Hippie Sandles, Jesus Shoes, Krunchy Kicks, whatever you are going to call them, just wear them. Your funky feet will thank you.

Maybe I should start a GoFundMe for a new pair?


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